
Español Inglés Alemán Francés Chino

Reservations 954 224 841

What we offer?

The Environment

entornoThe restaurant is located in a popular architecture house S. XVII. This consists of two air-conditioned rooms with capacity for 20 and 40 people, arranged around a central garden courtyard (capacity 60 people), and other columns typically Sevillian patio.

Both rooms are decorated creating an elegant setting, cozy and rustic; with walls covered in pale pink, antique furniture, period paintings and contemporary painters, and many works of art from the private collection of the owners. All doors and windows facing the courtyard, allowing also enjoy it from the inside.

entorno2The intimate courtyard garden and floral displays around a marble fountain and a well with a typically Andalusian tile with the inscription: "God give you health and joy, house and yard and well ". This fully covered by a vine that shadows centennial and cool in hot summer months. For these months also has evaporative microclimate, thus achieving a temperature to 8 ° C lower than the outer.

In spring bridesmaid evening, jasmine and orange blossom of the orange and lemon; seducing perfume the air with their scents.

During the day the sun slips between plants drawing on the walls magical light and shadow boxes. At night the sound of the water fountain and candlelight create the perfect atmosphere for privacy and quiet.

Some days you can also enjoy live music-jazz, flamenco, classical guitar, etc. - to liven up meals (consultation events)

Both garden walls and patio columns can have a permanent exhibition of ceramics from Seville.

In this unique, popular beautiful architecture and lush embrace life to fill this space loaded years; offering a refreshing setting for lunch, well as for romantic dinners.

The Kitchen

Solomillo Ibérico con Salsa de Uvas

Solomillo Ibérico de Uvas with Salsa


Bull Cola Chef style


Fritura Sevillana


Try to Vino Tinto

To our guests comes a letter and imaginative, products based on market, fresh and top quality; trying to recover the rich and ancient Andalusian and Spanish traditional recipes, without giving him a little modern touch. Flavors extensive ancestral rescued from Andalusian gastronomic and cultural heritage, Romans bequeathed to us, Jews, Arabs and Christians.

Special mention goes to rice, traditional stews, fresh fish and homemade desserts.

Our Menu
Carta de Vinos

Average price per person (the letter): 25€ + VAT.
Para celebraciones y eventos consultar nuestros menús de grupos.

The service

Our staff always tries to give attention and dedicated service to the diner. A friendly, but never to harass; respecting privacy and the site suggests trying whenever the client is at home.